ASUS X450VC X450C A450C K450C X450L A450L Audio USB IO Board Interface Board
Product Features:
This ASUS Audio USB IO Board is a high-quality replacement part for your laptop. It is designed to provide a reliable connection between your laptop’s motherboard and its audio and USB ports. This board is made from durable materials and is easy to install.
* Restores the audio and USB functionality of your laptop.
* Provides a reliable connection between the motherboard and the ports.
* Made from durable materials for a long service life.
* Easy to install, even for beginners.
* Compatible with ASUS X450VC, X450C, A450C, K450C, X450L, and A450L laptops.
* Includes all necessary ports and connectors.
* Made from high-quality materials for durability.
* Easy to install.
* Dimensions: 5.5 x 2.5 inches
* Weight: 0.5 ounces
* Material: Plastic
Package Includes:
* 1 x ASUS Audio USB IO Board
Installation Instructions:
1. Remove the old Audio USB IO Board from your laptop.
2. Connect the new Audio USB IO Board to the motherboard.
3. Secure the Audio USB IO Board with screws.
4. Reassemble your laptop.
External Links:
* [ASUS X450VC X450C A450C K450C X450L A450L Audio USB IO Board Interface Board](
* [How to Replace an Audio USB IO Board](
* [ASUS X450VC X450C A450C K450C X450L A450L Audio USB IO Board Interface Board Reviews](