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3 X Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop 7ml Each

– Khojati Tri-Phalanjan Herbal Eye Drops are an ayurvedic formulation that provides relief from eye irritation, redness, and discomfort.
– The key ingredients in these drops are Triphala, a combination of three fruits (amalaki, bibhitaki, and haritaki), which are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
– These drops are also enriched with other herbs like aloe vera, camphor, and rose water, which help soothe and cool the eyes.
– They are easy to use and can be applied directly to the eyes.
– The drops are safe for regular use and are suitable for all age groups.


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3 X Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop 7ml Each

Product Description:

Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop is a natural Ayurvedic formulation specially designed to support overall eye health. Made with a blend of three powerful herbs, Triphala, it offers numerous benefits to enhance your vision and protect your eyes from various ailments.

Key Features:

• Nourishing and Revitalizing: Triphala, a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, helps nourish and rejuvenate the eyes, reducing dryness and improving overall vision.
• Anti-inflammatory Properties: The natural ingredients in Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop possess anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe irritated eyes, reducing redness and discomfort.
• Antioxidant Protection: Triphala contains high levels of antioxidants, which help protect the eyes from the damaging effects of free radicals, reducing the risk of oxidative stress and age-related eye issues.
• Improved Vision: With regular use, Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop may help improve vision clarity and reduce eye strain, especially for those spending long hours in front of screens or engaging in close-up work.
• Easy Installation: The eye drops come in convenient 7ml bottles with easy-to-use droppers, ensuring effortless application and storage.

Usage Points:

• Versatile Application: Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop is suitable for various eye conditions, including dry eyes, eye fatigue, and mild irritation.
• Gentle and Soothing: The natural ingredients used in the eye drop are gentle on the eyes, providing relief without any harsh chemicals or irritants.

Additional Features:

• Natural and Safe: Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop is formulated with all-natural ingredients, ensuring a safe and effective solution for your eye care needs.
• Discreet Packaging: The product comes in discreet packaging, making it easy to carry and use anywhere without drawing unwanted attention.
• Affordable and Accessible: The eye drop is affordable and easily accessible, providing a convenient way to maintain healthy eyes without breaking the bank.

For more information on Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop, please refer to:


  • Khojati Official Website – Triphalanjan Herbal Eye Drops

  • AyurTimes Blog – Triphala Benefits for the Eyes
  • SKU: 734616962ba8 Category: Tag:



    3 X Khojati TRI-PHALANJAN Herbal Eye Drop 7ml Each